Where The "Word" Lights The House

Greater True Light CDC, Inc.
Executive Summary:
The focus of the program is serving the needs of seniors who are 65 years of age and older and to enable individuals to continue being an integral part of their community, while maintaining their sense of well being and dignity. The Organization formed in January 2006 as a direct birth from the mission of the Greater True Light Baptist Church to provide charitable energy and services to the community three (3) times per week.
This program is needed in the low income “Northwood Manor Neighborhood.” Most of the senior’s children either do not live with them or they do not have any living family members. The seniors need some additional activities as well as some information that will assist them with their daily living.
The overall goals are to (1) improve the physical and emotional health of the seniors (2) reduce social isolation and encourage the development of social networks; (3) increase senior’s educational attainment and their ability to advocate on behalf of themselves; and (4) connect the seniors to additional community resources.
Activities will include but are not limited to exercising, needlework, quilting, walking, watercolor, bingo, ceramics, drawing and other crafts. Additional activities include day trips and mentoring to the youth. Supporting community projects keep seniors busy contributing to their community. For those who are concerned about their health, medical screenings, seminars, and support groups are scheduled regularly to assist in monitoring key health indicators.
Well balanced, hot nutritious lunches will be prepared at a central kitchen and served three (3) times a week. Menus are planned by certified dieticians to ensure all meals meet one third of the nutritional requirements of older adults. This lunch hour offers an opportunity for seniors to share a meal and fellowship with others.
The Computer Lab will allow the Senior Citizens to have hands-on computer-based training.
State-of-the-art multimedia equipment will facilitate professional presentations for our various audiences.
Initially, our free educational programs will include: Basic and advanced training courses on computer hardware and software.
Boaz & Ruth:
The Boaz & Ruth Ministry is a ministry for married couples. The ministry was put in place to strengthen and keep marriages between, men and women sacred. Each meeting begins with wives praying for their husbands and ends with husbands praying for their wives. Meetings are held on the second and fourth Sunday.
The culinary staff is a group of Christian men and women serving the members of Greater True Light with great food and a loving smile!
The Deacon Ministry is responsible for supporting the Pastor with the spiritual growth of the church, and the Vision of the Church as he fulfills the Vision that God has given him.
Evangelism Ministry:
Making Disciples for Christ, John 3:16
Our Music Ministry's goal is to prepare God's People for the works of service, by seeking to edify believers along with encouraging and equipping them for the service to God. The music opportunities instill this by teaching sound doctrine through the texts of psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.
Pastor's Support Team:
Pastor's Support Team provides quality care for our Pastor whom God has placed as our Spiritual leader according to Psalm 112:1-2 and Jeremiah 3:15.
Praise Team:
The purpose of the Praise Team is to set the atmosphere of worship, and to proclaim the Psalm of Praise "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord all ye land. Serve the Lord with gladness, come before His presence with singing, know ye that the Lord He is God, it is He that hath made us, and not we ourselves, we are His people, the sheep of His pasture. We should enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise, be thankful unto Him and bless His name. For the Lord is good and His mercy is everlasting and His truth endureth to all generations" Psalm 100, Sings praise unto God. Allowing His anointing to take residence and fill the atmosphere with His presence.They That Worship Him Must Worship Him in Spirit and In Truth!
Sanctuary Choir:
Exalting and Praising our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through song service. We will bless the Lord in our worship and invite the world to get to know Him through our praise. We will continually magnify and give God The Glory, as we tell of his goodness, grace, and mercy in the songs we sing. Our spiritual goal as a ministry continues to be to lift high the name of the Lord through songs.
Scholarship Committee:
The Scholarship Committee of Greater True Light Missionary Baptist Church encourages our high school students to excel in academics, extra-curricular, social and physical activities. This prepares them to function in our communities, cities and across the nation as responsible leaders. The committee also supports our youth throughout the school year through Academic Recognition of Honor students every 6 or 9 week grading period.
In order to be considered for a scholarship, the graduates are required to compile a one-page composition based on a Scripture with suggested topics. The intent of the commentary is to guide them in placing God in perspective as they pursue their educational goals. The Scholarship Committee concludes the school year activities by honoring the graduates of Greater True Light Missionary Baptist Church at our annual Ed Ray Scholarship Banquet. The committee members are blessed to be able to encourage these young adults as they become productive members of our society.
Stewards of Invitation:
Stewards Of The Invitation Period (SOTIP)
The most essential part of the worship experience is the Invitation to Christian Discipleship. This is where a person is able to respond to the Christ which we have presented during our worship service. This is literally the climax of the worship experience, for all of our efforts have been building up to the invitation period. This is an extremely sacred and delicate time of the worship experience because a person's salvation is being challenged! Everyone who has a role in receiving petitioners must be mindful of this fact. Therefore, as Stewards we must be attentive and thoroughly prepared to effectively minister to each petitioner's need to the best of our spiritual (not personal) ability. We are committed to biblical studies and progressive training as we endeavor to become confident, knowledgeable and prepared to fulfill God's divine purpose. In doing so, we are adhering to God's command: "To go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Matthew 28:19. We are also fulfilling the commitment of our church's Vision Statement: "To go forth living as True Lights in the dark areas of our community, our city and our country by practicing and preserving biblical principles in our lives and lifestyles: maintaining economic and social stability but most importantly spiritual steadfastness." John 9:4-5
The GTL Singles Sunday School/ Ministry purpose is to enrich the lives of single disciples through prayer, study and other activities, no matter where they are in their SINGLENESS.
For a day in thy courts is better than a thousand. I had rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God, than to dwell in the tents of wickedness. Psalm 84:10
The Usher Ministry seeks to be doorkeepers in the House of God, receiving visitors and members in a Christ-like fashion, to provide comfort and support to the worshippers, to ensure that worship is carried out respectfully and in order, and to perform ushering duties in a cheerful manner thereby setting the tone for a great worship experience.
Women of Excellence:
The Women's Ministry is purposed for women who desire to Grow in the Word of God and become equipped to labor in the harvest. We meet to share, study and grow together. As we grow, we extend ourselves to other women groups, host women conferences, teach at prayer breakfasts and workshops, mentor younger women, conduct sister's circle of prayer and share our faith and experiences.