Where The "Word" Lights The House

Our Vision
"To go forth living as True Lights in the dark areas of our community, our city and our country by practicing and preserving biblical principles in our lives and lifestyles: maintaining economic and social stability but most importantly spiritual steadfastness."
John 9:4-5
Mission Statement
We Meet, Mature and Maximize Mankind Through Ministry!
Greater True Light Missionary Baptist Church "History"
In the year of 1961, God was dealing in the life of a young minister whose name was Reverend Willie Morrison. Reverend Morrison was given a vision and determination sanctioned by God to organize a church. This he did in his home at 3225 Green Street, located in the Fifth Ward section of Houston. The church membership consisted of his immediate family: Sis. Verlie Morrison and their three young sons, Lester, Charles, and James Morrison. The Church remained at this location for three months. In March of 1962, the church moved to 1319 Grove Street with a small membership consisting mostly of children. Through the missionary work of the Pastor and the membership, God began to give the increase. There were many aspects of the church that exemplified the goodness of God as the growth led to a ministry that was well known throughout the surrounding neighborhood. However, God later gave Reverend Morrison a greater vision, and in August 1972, through faithful service of fasting and prayers, the church relocated to our present location, 6828 Annunciation Street. Reverend Morrison informed the church that we were not moving according to man’s will, but under the direction and the will of God. He further shared that there would be eight years of struggling for the church and then the load would get lighter. This indeed came to pass. God continued to bless the church and our new physical structure was just a part of the evidence. This campus offered several buildings on site and we utilized them all to reach out and bless others. In 1975, we began operating a Day Care and a Kindergarten. Both remained open until 1978. In November 1978, the church began operating the Northeast Senior Citizen Center and it remained operational until September 1993. The Inter-Baptist Theological Seminary under the leadership of Dr. S.M. Weaver and Pastor Morrison was also on site and remained active until January 2004. In April 1980, the church was chartered by the State of Texas and our name changed from True Light to Greater True Light Missionary Baptist Church. Our purpose and mission statement were required of all the Saints of God: Seek to save those who are lost in a world of sin. Reverend Morrison was not remiss in reminding the church of God’s command as stated in St. Matthew 28:19-20: ‘Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen.’ On July 1, 1984, we began the radio ministry ‘Seeking to Save’ which broadcasted from radio station KGOL 107.5 FM at 6:30 a.m. every Sunday morning. This broadcast was truly a blessing to the city of Houston. It ended with the death of Pastor Morrison in 1986. On April 21, 1986, our Almighty God stepped in calling from the labors of this life, our much beloved Founder and Pastor, the late Reverend Willie Morrison. We were bruised by his death but not broken. We had to keep our eyes on “the prize”, the one and only Christ Jesus. And though the road was rough, and the going did get a little tough, the Lord did bring us through. Later that same year, Reverend Lester Morrison was called to Pastoralship. He was committed to maintaining the bible teaching and bible training he had grown up with in this church under his late father. He also endeavored to continue the mission to seek and save those who were lost. This gave birth to the “Reach Out Tape Ministry.” On February 23, 1990, God spoke yet again, calling from this world Pastor Lester Morrison and his wife, Sister Vera Morrison. It was tragic, but it was final. It seemed as if our faith was being called upon again. We were weary, wounded and saddened, but through it all our Heavenly Father continued to watch over us giving us the strength to remain steadfast to our call to serve the Lord unequivocally until we die. In January 1991, Reverend Willie T. Morris was called to fill the pastoral vacancy. Under the leadership of Pastor Morris, many good things came forth advancing the ministry of the church. These included the organization of the following: The Women’s Chorus, Women’s Outreach Ministry, Sick Committee, Spiritual Advisement Team, Academic Scholarship Committee, reestablishment of the Brotherhood, Baptist Training Union, Deacon Home Religious Outreach and Kitchen Hospitality Team. On May 23, 1993, our church mortgage was resolved, the note was burned, and the cornerstone was laid. This was a celebration of victory. In June 1996, the church sanctuary was re-furnished through a pew purchase project coordinated by Brother and Sister Ed Ray and co-chaired by Brother and Sister Tom Clark. Later in 2000, the Fellowship Hall was remodeled. On April 30, 2000, the fellowship hall was dedicated back to God and was named the Dr. Willie Morrison Fellowship Hall. In October 2003, Reverend W. T. Morris retired from years of service to become Pastor Emeritus. Once again, we had lean and depend on the Lord for directions as the church sought to accept the will of God. After much fasting and praying by the membership, God in his infinite wisdom sent a man on March 19, 2004, in the person of Reverend Theophilus O’Brian Berry. The selection of Reverend Berry to Pastoralship exemplified unity of the church and its desire to move forward with God’s agenda. Immediately Pastor Berry’s presence created a new emergence throughout the church to get in touch with God’s Word, making the new mid-week bible study an instant success. Although his tenure had only just begun, there was an excitement about worship and the church. The results seem to have revitalized the Spirit and determination of the congregation. Pastor Berry revamped the Children’s Church and caused a growth of the Young Adult Ministry that answers “why” Our God sent this man. Both the children’s church and the young adult ministry’s growth were phenomenal. Pastor then quickly followed with the re-organization of the Brotherhood and the Ministerial training classes. Almost simultaneously Pastor implemented a Tape Ministry, and the taped messages transcended the four walls of our sanctuary. There was a noted excitement among the membership to take the taped messages out into the hedges and highways sharing the Word of God with our fellow man. The tape ministry simply complimented our purpose to help light the world with our lives and the Word of God. The church is now witnessing the unfolding of visions given to Pastor Berry by the Lord for us. April 2005 brought a successful community street evangelism effort. In June 2005 the church acquired a 4.5-acre land purchase. In July 2005 the church sanctuary structural remodeling project was implemented. Over the past year many on site renovations and repairs were completed, all providing an upgrade to our facilities. We do recognize this is only the beginning as Pastor Berry follows God, and we continue to follow Pastor Berry.
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